Thalapathy Vijay is expected to be a part of Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming film Jawan ever since Atlee shared a picture with two superstars on his Twitter handle. In the viral video, Atlee can be seen standing with Vijay and SRK, all of them dressed in all-black outfits. The picture grabbed the attention of the fans who are eager to witness Vijay and Shah Rukh on one screen. The image is said to be from the set of Jawan, as per the speculation on social media. On Thursday, Atlee took to Twitter and shared a picture along with a heartfelt note on the occasion of his birthday, thanking his fans and followers. He captioned the post as, "What more can I ask on my bday, the best bday ever wit my pillars. My dear @iamsrk sir & ennoda annae ennoda thalapathy @actorvijay."
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Thalapathy Vijay to appear in Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan? Atlee's latest post intrigues fans
Reviewed by hc news
September 23, 2022
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