It seems that Samantha Ruth Parbhu is prepping up for her upcoming venture Citadel in the US. She has been following a strict fitness regime. A source close to the actress revealed that "Samantha has been working on getting into her character for Citadel in the US. She is following a very strict fitness and lifestyle regime there to get into the physicality of her character in the series Over there, she is training with renowned experts working in the entertainment space for action". Over the years, the actress has given some memorable performances and it won't be wrong to say that she has established herself as one of the most loved celebs across the country.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Samantha Ruth Prabhu follows a strict fitness regime as she preps for Citadel in the US
Reviewed by hc news
September 24, 2022
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