There are only a few hours left for the release of Allu Arjun and Fahadh Faasil Pushpa 2: The Rule. Even before its release, this film has shaken the film market. This film, which had an advance booking of 100 crores before its release, is going to have an opening of 300 crores. This is the belief of the veteran film trade analysts. Pushpa 2 is on its way to earning 300 crores on the first day itself. The film has earned 285 crores worldwide even before its release. Now the buzz about the film is continuously increasing. The audience was eagerly waiting for the next part of Allu Arjun, Fahadh Faasil and Rashmika Mandanna starrer film 'Pushpa' which came in 2021. Now this wait is over. The film is ready for release this Thursday.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Allu Arjun, Fahadh Faasil's Pushpa 2 to have the biggest opening with 3:20 hours runtime?
Reviewed by hc news
December 07, 2024
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