Kajol is making her OTT debut with 'The Trial - Pyaar Kaanoon Dhokha' after ruling the silver screen for a good decade. Kajol is back on Instagram after announcing that she is taking a break from social media. While fans were worried about what happened, it was all just a promotional tactic for her upcoming new Hindi web series' The Trial'. So, is working on a web series different from films? Kajol doesn't see any difference. "Regardless of the format, a role is a role. It requires the same amount of hard work," Kajol said at the trailer launch of the Disney+ Hotstar series in Mumbai on Monday.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/0MLeiW5
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/0MLeiW5
Kajol opens up about her OTT debut with 'The Trial': 'A role is a role, the script remains my hero'
Reviewed by hc news
June 13, 2023
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