Actress Hina Khan has lit up the internet while sporting a chic outfit, which includes a pantsuit and a bralette set. With her best red-carpet looks in the past, Hina Khan has left a lasting impression, and her new look only serves to be highlighted all the way. Hina’s bright yellow blazer has an open front, full-length sleeves, padded shoulders, a relaxed oversized fit, hand-embroidered tassel accents on one side, and a single button closure up the front. It also has notch lapel collars. She paired it with coordinating trousers that had a high-rise waist, an exaggerated flared silhouette, and tassel embellishments on the front.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Hina Khan looks glamorous in bright yellow pansuit| See Pics
Reviewed by hc news
June 04, 2023
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