While the internet is still gushing over the star-studded event of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) Gala, Bollywood's heartthrob woke up to some backlash for his performance last night. Amid the glitz and glamour, one performance stood out for the wrong reasons. Varun Dhawan’s dance number caused controversy as he lifted American supermodel Gigi Hadid during his performance, sparking concerns among fans about consent.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/8Cz2LiI
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/8Cz2LiI
Varun Dhawan shuts trolls after getting slammed for lifting and kissing Gigi Hadid on NMACC stage
Reviewed by hc news
April 03, 2023
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