It is not unknown that the King of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan and ace producer-director Karan Johar share an extremely close bond. We have all seen Shah Rukh making a guest appearance in many Karan Johar films. But last year it was a little disappointing for all the fans when Shah Rukh did not appear on the famous talk show 'Koffee With Karan'. It has almost been a year since the last season aired, and now Karan is planning to bring back another installment of the controversial chat show in which celebrities usually brew some juicy gossip along with the coffee.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Shah Rukh Khan, Allu Arjun to appear on Karan Johar's Koffee With Karan 8? Here's what we know
Reviewed by hc news
April 01, 2023
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