Samantha Ruth Prabhu is one of the finest actresses in the country. She is currently gearing up for the release of her upcoming film, Shaakuntalam. Ahead of the release, the actress has come down to Mumbai for the promotions. Shaakuntalam, based on Kalidasa's acclaimed Sanskrit play Abhijnana Shakuntalam is written and directed by award-winning director Gunasekhar (Rudhramadevi) and produced by Neelima Guna and Dil Raju under the banner of Gunna Teamworks and Dil Raju Productions, respectively. It also features Dev Mohan as Dushyanta, the king of the Puru Dynasty. As Shaakuntalam is about to hit theaters, Samatha addressed the much-talked 'North Vs South film' debate.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Samantha Ruth Prabhu REACTS to 'South VS North films' debate, says 'I can work in films...'
Reviewed by hc news
April 05, 2023
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