Twinkle Khanna and her husband-actor Akshay Kumar's shoot diaries were all about cuteness and romance. Taking to her social media handle, Twinkle shared a BTS video from a shoot, which was doubled up by a tea date. In the video, Akshay and Twinkle can be seen seating on chairs with cups on a table as they smile and chat while enjoying their tea. With this, Mrs Funnybones added an adorable caption, "Behind the scenes and we are smiling a bit more in front of the cameras than we would if we were just having tea together." She added in her caption, "I think love makes for a great canape but friendship is the main course that keeps you going. Agree? Disagree?" She added the hashtags #behindthescenes and #shootdiaries to her post.
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from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Akshay Kumar-Twinkle Khanna's shoot diaries convert into a romantic tea date | VIDEO
Reviewed by hc news
April 12, 2023
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