Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan is one of the most celebrated actors in Bollywood. He has been able to make his mark with stellar acting skills and has carved a niche for himself by giving some outstanding performances this year. His ever-growing fandom has surpassed records and after his stint as Rooh Baba in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, he has garnered immense love from the younger generation. Recently, the actor proved why he is people's favourite as he met his young fan who was seen shouting his name at the Jodhpur airport. As Kartik returned to Jodhpur airport after the event, a young fan who spotted him from outside the gates kept screaming his name to meet him and as Kartik heard the kid's voice, he returned to the gate to meet him.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Viral video: Kartik Aaryan fulfils wish of a young fan crying his name at Jodhpur airport
Reviewed by hc news
September 19, 2022
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