Actor turned director Rakesh Roshan opened up about the failure of the Bollywood movies. It is observed that in the last few months, Bollywood movies have not been able to win the hearts of the audience. Films after films with eminent storylines, insights, are getting knocked down at the box office. In an interview with Bollywood Hungama, the filmmaker shared what he thinks could be the reason. He said, “People are making films that they and their friends like to watch. They are picking subjects that appeal to a very minuscule section of the audience. A big chunk of the audience cannot relate to it.”
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Rakesh Roshan on failure of Bollywood films: 'They have drifted away from the roots of Indianness'
Reviewed by hc news
September 06, 2022
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