Ananya Panday is currently having the time of her life in Italy. The actress is vacationing in Capri and had been sharing glimpses of her travel diary with her fans on Instagram. On Wednesday, she dropped her hot pictures from her beach vacation which left the internet ablaze. In the pictures, Ananya can be seen flaunting her toned body in a floral green bikini. She completed her look with a pair of sunglasses and golden neckpiece. The Liger actress looked stunning as she basked in the sun. Sharing a series of pictures, Ananya simply wrote, "capri-sun" with an emoji of a suitcase.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Ananya Panday redefines hotness in floral green bikini as she holidays in Italy; see pics
Reviewed by hc news
September 08, 2022
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