Naga Chaitanya features in a role in the recently released film Laal Singh Chaddha, with Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan. He plays the character of Bala, who befriends Laal (Aamir Khan) during their days in the military. While the film continues to win favour among the viewers, Naga Chaitanya's foray into Bollywood is also being well-received. Now, all eyes are on Chay's venturing into Hindi films as people continue to wonder if he will be taking up more roles outside of the South film industry.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Will Naga Chaitanya do more Bollywood films after Laal Singh Chaddha? Actor has THIS to say
Reviewed by hc news
August 12, 2022
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