Arjun Kanungo, who has delivered hits like Baaki Baatein Peene Baad and Gallan Tipsiyaan, tied the knot with long-time fiancee Carla Dennis on August 10 in Mumbai. The couple has been in a relationship for seven years and was planning to get married for some time. The day finally came as the stars descended in Mumbai to bless the couple. They sealed their love in the holy bond of matrimony. After sharing their lovely wedding pictures on social media, Arjun and Carla also hosted a bash for their film industry friends in the city.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Arjun Kanungo, Carla Dennis pose for pictures post marriage, host star-studded bash | PICS
Reviewed by hc news
August 12, 2022
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