Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor's images will be used on posters and social media to reach out to a larger number of voters, especially the youth, ahead of the Rajinder Nagar bypoll in Delhi, a top official said on Friday. She has been chosen as an icon by poll authorities. Delhi Chief Electoral Officer Ranbir Singh at a press conference here said a total of 1,64,698 electors are eligible to cast their vote in the June 23 by-election. "We are taking up a number of campaigns and activities to build awareness ahead of the by-election, such as street plays and social media drive to reach out to the young voters. And, actor Sonam Kapoor has been chosen as an icon, to raise awareness among voters," he said.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Sonam Kapoor becomes icon to raise awareness among voters ahead of Rajinder Nagar bypoll: Delhi CEO
Reviewed by hc news
June 11, 2022
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