Rakhi Sawant is back on Instagram! In a video doing rounds on Instagram, the 'Pardesiya' actress was seen crying inconsolably outside Oshiwara police station in Mumbai. She revealed she was at the police station to file a complaint against her ex-husband Ritesh Singh, who she claimed hacked her social media accounts. The actress was accompanied by her boyfriend Adil Khan. Rakhi revealed 'Ritesh is jealous of her boyfriend Adil and he wanted to destroy her (Rakhi) life because she has moved on, now.'
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/UB5MpO1
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/UB5MpO1
Rakhi Sawant returns to Instagram; cries inconsolably saying ex-husband Ritesh hacked her account
Reviewed by hc news
June 14, 2022
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