Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday will be seen sharing screen space in the boxing drama, Liger. It is one of the most anticipated films of the actor since it will mark his Bollywood debut. On Tuesday (May 24), the duo was snapped post dinner outside a restaurant in Mumbai. They were accompanied by their producer Charmme Kaur. Both Vijay and Ananya stepped out in their stylish best. Ananya was oozing hotness in a lacey light orange corset style top along with a pair of high-waisted blue denim. She styled her hair into a bun and completed the look with hoop earrings. On the other hand, Vijay looked dapper in a white T-shirt with a grey shrug, paired with blue denim.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Vijay Deverakonda-Ananya Panday sharing adorable hug post dinner melts fans' hearts | WATCH
Reviewed by hc news
May 25, 2022
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