Bollywood actor Siddhant Chaturvedi has been living the dream. The actor, who impressed the audience as MC Sher in Zoya Akhtar's 'Gully Boy' has a packed slate in the coming months. As he climbs up the ladder, the actor recently looked back at his journey through a heartfelt social media post. Talking about his journey, Siddhant took to his social media handle and shared a note that read, "Inside Edge mein Bowling seekhi... Gully boy mein Rap seekha... Bunty Aur Babli mein kya? Kisko Thuga bhaiya?! - Kismat ko Thuga hai, Aur kya. Sabko laga ladka Naukri payega, Settle ho jayega, Kundali mein Vyapar bhi tha... Magar ladka toh andar se Kalakaar hi tha..."
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Siddhant Chaturvedi takes a trip down his Bollywood journey
Reviewed by hc news
November 20, 2021
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