Ever since Shivangi Joshi said goodbye to her popular show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, her fans have been eagerly waiting to watch their favourite actress on screen. There's a great news for those fans as the showbiz galore is abuzz that Shivangi has been roped in to play the role of grown-up Anandi in Balika Vadhu 2. If reports are to be believed then the show will soon have a time leap where the actress will join the cast along with actor Randeep Rai.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/3HGaSgr
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/3HGaSgr
Shivangi Joshi to play grown up Anandi in Balika Vadhu 2 alongside Randeep Rai?
Reviewed by hc news
November 19, 2021
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