On her father's birth anniversary, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan shared a throwback picture of the late Krishnaraj Rai and penned an emotional note. The actress took to her Instagram and wrote that she loves her 'dearest darling daddy' eternally. Along with the photo, she wrote, "Happy Birthday My Dearest Darling Daddyyy- Ajjaaa YOUUU ETERNALLY." For the unversed, Aishwarya’s father took his last breath on March 18, 2017, fighting his battle against cancer. He was a renowned Army biologist.
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from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/3nzvgYD
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan remembers late father on birth anniversary: 'Love you eternally'
Reviewed by hc news
November 20, 2021
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