Action star Tiger Shroff is a big fan of Hrithik Roshan and he said that the Bollywood star is an idol and inspiration for him. The actor shared screen space with Hrithik in the film 'War', which completed two years of its release on Saturday. Tiger said: "Hrithik has been an idol and inspiration to me. I was thrilled to have not only gotten a chance to work with him but also dance along with him. His discipline and dedication to the craft is what legends are made of and I learnt so much each day I spent with him. It was my wish to share the screen with him and 'War' fulfilled that so I will always be grateful to everyone for making that happen for me."
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Tiger Shroff: Hrithik Roshan has been an inspiration and idol to me
Reviewed by hc news
October 02, 2021
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