The 'Shaandaar Shukravaar' episode of 'Kaun Banega Crorepati 13' will witness veteran actress Hema Malini and 'Sholay' director Ramesh Sippy come on the hotseat answering to questions of host and megastar Amitabh Bachchan. As Hema Malini celebrates her 73rd birthday on October 16, there will be a surprise for her on the show. The first stuntwoman of Bollywood Reshma Pathan, who essayed the role of Hema Malini's body-double for all the stunts in the iconic film 'Sholay', will be there as a surprise. She goes: "Arey O Basanti, Happy Birthday! Pehchana mujhe?" Reshma was the first stuntwoman in the industry and is popularly known as the 'Sholay Girl'.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
KBC 13: Sholay stuntwoman admits she'd give her life for Hema Malini's character Basanti
Reviewed by hc news
October 13, 2021
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