Shehnaaz Gill, who is recovering from the sudden demise of her rumoured boyfriend Sidharth Shukla, is all set to sizzle on the big screen in her first Punjabi film Honsla Rakh after winning hearts in Bigg Boss 13. The film is a comedy-drama that also stars Punjabi superstar Diljit Dosanjh and Sonam Bajwa, The duo has been seen together in multiple projects earlier and enjoy a huge fanbase. With Honsla Rakh, Diljit Dosanjh turned producer. He had announced the film earlier in February along with the release date. The film also features Gippy Grewal's son Shinda Grewal who plays a very important part in the film.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Honsla Rakh: Star Cast, Trailer, Release Date, Box Office, Where to Watch, HD download online
Reviewed by hc news
October 13, 2021
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