Mumbai Special NDPS court on Thursday (October 14) reserved an order on the bail application of Aryan Khan, Arbaaz Merchant, Munmun Dhamecha and other accused till October 20. Aryan Khan was arrested on October 3 in connection with the seizure of banned drugs onboard a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast. NCB claimed that the star kid had been consuming drugs for a few years now and was in touch with some persons who appear to be a part of an international drug network for procurement of drugs. Here are 5 arguments that lawyer Amit Desai put forward for Shah Rukh Khan's son's bail on Thursday.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Aryan Khan Drugs Case: 5 Arguments lawyer Amit Desai put for Shah Rukh Khan's son's bail
Reviewed by hc news
October 14, 2021
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