Bollywood and TV actor Siddharth Shukla is no more in this world. It is being said that the 40-year-old actor died due to a heart attack. He rose to fame with his role of Shiv in Balika Vadhu and moved on to do many praiseworthy projects. He appeared in Bigg Boss 13 and made the headlines for his dynamic personality. He even won the show and became one of the most popular winners in the history of the reality show. Let's take you back to one of the many beautiful memories of Sidharth Shukla from Bigg Boss 13 when the actor answered questions by India TV Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma for the Aap Ki Adalat segment.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
VIDEO: When Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla was in the courtroom of 'Aap Ki Adalat'
Reviewed by hc news
September 02, 2021
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