Actor Kunal Singh who was seen as an antagonist in television's popular show 'Naagin: Bhagya Ka Zehreela Khel' will now appear in Ekta Kapoor's 'Pavitra Rishta 2'. He will be in a cameo role portraying actress Ankita Lokhande's on-screen love interest. He says: "I am playing Archana's (Ankita) boyfriend 'Gaurav'. It's a cameo but till the time I am in the show, I have got a very good screen presence. I feel blessed to be part of most loved show. And sharing screen space with popular actors like Ankita, Usha Nadkarni ma'am and Shaheer Sheikh is just like another opportunity."
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Pavitra Rishta 2: Naagin fame Kunal Singh to play Ankita Lokhande's on-screen love interest
Reviewed by hc news
August 11, 2021
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