'Oye Mamu!, a quirky comedy starring Ruslaan Mumtaz, Kulraj Randhawa and Gulshan Grover premiered recently on BookMyShow and is in the news for bringing together comedy veterans like Asrani, Gulshan Grover, Tiku Talsania and Brijendra Kala. Making waves is Bollywood’s original ‘Bad Man’ Gulshan Grover in an unexpected avatar as Pinky Bhaiya. The cast of the feel-good caper recalled one moment in the shoot that did not really raise much laughter, though, in retrospect, it was funny!
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/3y2HpaC
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/3y2HpaC
'Oye Mamu' recalls a challenging encounter with unruly wasps during an outdoor sequence
Reviewed by hc news
August 20, 2021
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