Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra has gone retro! The actress, on Friday, took to social media to share some stunning photographs flaunting a vintage look. In her post, Shilpa mentioned that her look is an ode to her mother Sunanda Shetty, who is also her fashion icon. In the photos shared on Instagram, Shilpa is seen dressed in a black polka dotted white saree, with a black sleeveless blouse. Her hairdo is what adds a touch of glam and vintage to her entire look. The actress tied her hair in a bouffant and to complete it, she added a matching polka-dotted scarf on her head.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Shilpa Shetty goes retro! Actress recreates her mother's look and the result is fab
Reviewed by hc news
July 02, 2021
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